LycraAndRopes Floating

LycraAndRopes Floating

It had been almost a year since we last did suspension together.

Working with LycraAndRopes has an ease to it, as he is a very experienced bondage switch.

I like positions that have a lightness to them, even if they aren’t easy on the body.

Working with bamboo is new for me, but I would enjoy exploring it further.

I always work with my own ropes; this way, I know their strength and personality in grip and handling. Giving feedback in the session is great, and the more experience a guy has, the better and more precise this feedback is.

The session has a great flow with LycraAndRopes’ experience and our common passion for bondage.

It had been far too long, and I am sorry to now be living so far away from a community of bondage, where outdoor sessions and meetings are possible.

I’m lucky that several great bondage subs are meeting me regularly and that in this way, I can still explore, grow and get new experiences.

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